How Creativity Works: ‘Dreamwood’ Author Heather Mackey On Fighting Procrastination And Staying Motivated
My brilliant writer friend, Heather Mackey, published her first book, Dreamwood, last year. In addition to having one of the most beautiful covers I’ve ever seen (check it out below!), Dreamwood is smart, powerful and gorgeously written. Don’t be fooled by...
Get Your Work Mojo Back! How To Return to a Project After an Absence
Feeling uninspired? Have you lost your work momentum? No fears…it happens to everyone! Here are my best strategies for jumping back into the flow and reconnecting with work after an absence. Leave Off In A Good Spot My favorite strategy for painless re-entry...
How Creativity Works: Casey Searles On Sticky Notes, Audiobooks And The Power Of Homemade Soup
Casey Searles is one of those people you can’t help but love as soon as you meet her. A multi-disciplinary artist and actress, she is friendly and positive without being saccharine, and always kind enough to share her wise perspective when I’m feeling down about my...
Three Articles To Boost Your Creative Thinking
Two Things Experts Do Differently Than Non-Experts When Practicing “Expert performers aren’t necessarily smarter or more talented. Learn the two things they do when practicing a skill, that can maximize the efficiency of your practice time and be the difference...