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Two Things Experts Do Differently Than Non-Experts When Practicing

 “Expert performers aren’t necessarily smarter or more talented. Learn the two things they do when practicing a skill, that can maximize the efficiency of your practice time and be the difference between mediocre and great.”

Although this short article focuses on practicing basketball shots, there are some interesting takeaways for the less-athletic creative types, such as myself!

 Everyday Creativity

‘It’s too bad that when considering what endeavors may be creative, people immediately think of the arts,’ laments Michele Root-Bernstein, co-author with Robert Root-Bernstein of Sparks of Genius. ‘It’s the problem-solving processes they exhibit rather than the content or craft that make them so. Just about anything we do can be addressed in a creative manner, from housecleaning to personal hobbies to work.’ ”

This article is such a worthwhile read as it really defines and expands the idea of “everyday creativity” beyond the arts and examines creative thinking in our daily lives.

 How To Be Creative

“But creativity is not magic, and there’s no such thing as a creative type. Creativity is not a trait that we inherit in our genes or a blessing bestowed by the angels. It’s a skill. Anyone can learn to be creative and to get better at it.”

Interesting excerpt in the Wall Street Journal (of all places!) from Jonah Lehrer’s 2012 book, “How Creativity Works.” There’s also a nifty little list at the end with 10 quick creativity hacks.

(featured image at top of this post: “Australia Day 2013 Perth 28” by Kaoz69 is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0/cropped from original/source)

